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Debate on comedy: In a letter to SPD leader Essen discussing leaving the party - politics

Debate on comedy: In a letter to SPD leader Essen discussing leaving the party – politics

In a letter to Social Democrat leader Saskia Eskane, former Bundestag leader Wolfgang Thiers presented his resignation for debate.

He was asked to publicly state whether “continuing in the common party is more desirable or harmful”. He also had a suspicion that “two members of the party leadership would distance themselves from me.” The trigger was an invitation to an internal party discussion on behalf of Esken and his vice-president Kevin Kohnard Sent to selected members.

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In it, both are “ashamed” of the unspecified SPD representatives who painted a “backward-looking picture of the SPD.” It should also mention the guest post on identity politics, Thiers was recently published in “Frankfurt Alzheimer’s Jeetung”.

In the article, he wrote to 77-year-old Eskane that he “sought moderation, led increased efforts toward the common, and sought to unite in a more diverse, diverse community than ever before.” “I thought it was good social democracy.”

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