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Danger of data theft, Tim warns customers: “Identify danger”

After mid-August, Tim faces a new potential danger. Or rather, your customers are. Here’s what’s going on.

Tim data theft
Photo © Adobe Stock

Data at risk for some Tim customers. Again, attempts at identity theft are associated with it and the company alerts its users with a message sent via email. A real alarm, assuming it is in danger Important customer data, Associated with personal and identity documents. Communication has been coming in for hours, though it is not yet clear which customers they are referring to.

The risk will be linked to computer systems, at the risk of being compromised by cyber criminals, which is not yet known. In the email, Tim detected irregular activity in his systems and, therefore, Customer data may be at risk. Some third parties may have access to data related to identity documents. Very dangerous situation.

Tim, risk of identity theft: Who are the customers at risk

Except for the emails sent, there is currently no official information on Tim’s website. It is therefore unclear which customers may be subject to identity theft. Either way, the company knew Have sent a formal notice To the Privacy Guarantee, it declared that it treats the injured party as its clients. In addition, Tim defends the right to enforce its interests and rights everywhere. Some more details, however, make it unclear the true extent of the potential violation.

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At this time, the company calls on customers to be vigilant and contact customer service (187 or 119) immediately in case of any malfunction. Also, Tim is not new to similar situations: already in August, in fact, A glass event occurred, Which exposes some customers to the risk of violating their MyTIM credentials. For now, however, the nature of this potential danger appears to be different in its similarity. The news is expected.

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