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D. Herricard pays.  A bus ticket to travel to Belfort-Montpeliard-Harrycourt

D. Herricard pays. A bus ticket to travel to Belfort-Montpeliard-Harrycourt

Northern French-Comte movements

A new “Nord Franche-Comté Mobilités” application was launched. It connects Hericord (Heriva)’s transportation networks with Belfort (Optimo) and Montpelyard (olvolitY). Now you can download your metropolitan bus e-ticket for 2 euros. This ticket is valid for two hours and will allow you to travel anywhere in the city of Belfort-Montpelyard-Harrycourt.

This point was unanimously voted on Thursday by elected representatives of the community of communities of the Pace de Haricourt. The app, now available for download from the Play Store on Android, will officially launch in early February.

Help for very small businesses

Another issue raised during the meeting was: Financial assistance to very small businesses (less than ten employees) was weakened by the health crisis.

As part of the support and recovery program in support of small businesses through regional regional funding, assistance was pledged to the businesses of the Municipalities’ Pace de Haricord Community (CCPH).

As for the investment assistance section, financial assistance from CCPH will be provided to Alice’s Hairdresser in Salnote (3 503.14) and Horus du Carlin in Wyans-le-Wall (70 870), which will complement the region’s participation. .

The subscription project was selected for the showcase site of the e-commerce site “Down to My House” on the operational support component for funding digital devices. 100 euros in donations from the municipal community, in addition to 500 500 and a regional grant of of 400. This file is the first type of help from CCPH.

In connection with the operational assistance in support of the Treasury, யூ 500 is being set aside by the community of municipalities in Pace de Herriacort. In total, 79 companies have been assisted with this device to date.

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Business subsidies were passed unanimously with two prohibitions.

Kinnotes.  Photo by ER / Patricia Louise
Kinnotes. Photo by ER / Patricia Louise

Project Management for the Extension of Knots

Finally, the project management award for the development of Sock Less Kinnotus 3 was voted on by the Board. After much deliberation, the choice fell on Delphos for ,000 89,000, excluding taxes. CCPH President Fernand Burgalter recalled that the extension of Kinnotus 3 would cover an area of ​​seven hectares, four of which would be effective.

This choice was unanimously approved by a vote.