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Cyberbunk 2077: Unconfirmed DLC details

Cyberbunk 2077: Unconfirmed DLC details

Cyberbunk 2077: Unconfirmed DLC Details - Searches, Weapons and New Game Plus?

C.D. The developers in the project initially wanted to fix the bugs and performance issues that “Cyberbunk 2077” had to fight, especially on consoles, where DLC planning finally took the back seat.

While the CD project is silent on the potential content and features that “Cyberbunk 2077” might consider in the next few months, Datamines want to find out first. They found relevant information in the source code of “Cyberbunk 2077” which should provide specific information about free DLCs and pre-release guaranteed extensions.

Will the Pacific expand?

Additional content that goes into “Cyberbunk 2077” for free includes customization options for your own hero, additional weapons or exclusive searches. Signs of a possible “new game plus” mode and other types of enemies were also found in the data of the role-playing game. This also applies to unconfirmed details of a chargeable extension.

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With this, the Pacifica area can be expanded, which is even less compared to other parts of the sports world. A new battle zone may be part of the first download expansion. On the other hand, the source code for “Cyberbunk 2077” does not contain any references to the second promised download extension.

C.D. As the official report or confirmation from the project is still pending, the information provided by the Datamines should definitely be taken with the necessary caution for now.

They are: Wccftech

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