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PS5 sells in the UK in 5 months longer than PS Vita, Wii U and Dreamcast - Nerdu 4. Life

Cross-drama with PS5 and PS4, other platforms will be more and more supported – Nert 4.Life

PS5 e PS4 Will support Cross play With Other sites Increasingly credible: Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, said in an interview.

Really condition PlayStation As far as this feature is concerned it has never been so open and available, think about the latest episode of Borderlands 3 which does not cross play on PS5 and PS4 as it has been denied certification by Japanese company.

There have been plenty of similar situations in the past, but apparently Sony is sure to change that perspective, trying to generate players ’exclusive interest in the field of online experiences.

Noting that this feature is now available for many successful titles such as Fortnight, Rocket League, Call of Duty: Warson, Minecraft and soon Destiny 2, Ryan said, “We support and promote the cross game.”

“This number will continue to grow,” said Sony Interactive Entertainment’s CEO and CEO, thus ensuring a more flexible approach to products that want to implement cross-game.

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