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Les centres de vaccination délivrent, en deux exemplaires, l’attestation de vaccination certifiée au format européen intitulée Certificat Covid Numérique UE.

Covit-19 Vaccine Certification: How to Get It?

Vaccination centers offer certified vaccines in European form, known as the EU Digital Govt Certificate, in two copies.
Vaccination centers offer certified vaccines in European form, known as the EU Digital Govt Certificate, in two copies. (© Adobe Stock)

You were vaccinated against Govt-19. Since June 25, vaccination centers have issued two copies of the certified vaccine certificate in European format EU Digital Govt Certification. This certificate, for example, allows you to travel within the EU and have access to places or events that bring together more than 1,000 people. It contains clinical data related to the injected vaccine, administration information and two QR codes.

Solutions for Recovering Your Vaccine Certificate

Vaccination certificate is issued after each injection. However, if you lost it or it did not return to you, there are several ways to get it back.

It can be downloaded arbitrarily Through the dedicated telescope service: After each injection of a single dose of the vaccine, a newer version of the certificate is available.

How to get certified vaccine certificate?
How to get certified vaccine certificate? (© CPAM)

The connection made via France Connect allows you to authenticate yourself with regular login details for certain online public services, such as your Amelie account.

Once identified, click on the “Continue Vaccine Certificate – Health Insurance” button to download it in PDF format.

You can save the certificate and then print it or take a picture of it if downloaded on a computer and do not have a printer to keep on your phone.

If you have a smartphone, you can integrate your certified vaccination certificate directly into the “My Notebook” section of the TousAntiCovid app by scanning the QR code on the bottom left of the document.

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Do you have no access to digital? You can contact the injecting health professional or vaccination center to collect it. Your attending physician may print it out for you during a consultation.

Need help?

Consult Frequently Asked Questions Available Or call the toll-free helpline 7 days a week from 9am to 8pm on 0 800 08 71 48.

Where to get vaccinated?

You can get vaccinated through a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, vaccination center or a mobile team. Information about places where you can be vaccinated can be found at You can make an appointment by phone at the vaccination center on 0800 009 110 (call and free service).


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