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Collect Princess Riots at Nintendo Switch in January JPGAMES.DE

Collect Princess Riots at Nintendo Switch in January JPGAMES.DE

Publisher and developer Qureate has introduced Tower Defense Game Fighting Princess Dated January 13, 2022. The game mixes tower defense with page scrolling and roglite components and will initially be released for the Nintendo Switch with English texts. PC version planned, but not yet scheduled.

The new trailer introduces you to ten princesses, each offering its own story. The vast world has been ruled by monsters for centuries.

However, one day, two princesses appeared and were able to defeat a monster king next to the hero. The other two demon kings can be defeated. Seemed to be at ease. But the great demon king arose.

In a mysterious way, the Coat of Arms appeared on the bodies of the princesses. In addition to the tower defense game, your job is to collect the Code of Arms by “punishing” the princesses. Because only in this way can you defeat and seal the Great Demon King.

I US-eShop The Duel Princess is already listed for $ 24.99. Duel Princess is not yet available on the German Nintendo eShop.

English trailer for Duel Princess

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Pictures: Duel Princess, Great

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