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Closes official website, thanks to Gorilla fans

Closes official website, thanks to Gorilla fans

Many years after Gilson created the rights, the group Gorilla game Harrison: Zero Dawn has abandoned known paths to engage in the creation of the universe.

In the beginning Gilson: Shadow Fall In the PlayStation 4, therefore, the new episode of the shooter series was not followed, but the first epic of the alloy, which received great acclaim from the public and critics. When the arrival of a sequel becomes more and more possible – confirmed by the presentation Horizon: Forbidden West – Fans of Saga Hellcast However they were optimistic about returning to IP PlayStation 5.

L ‘Lack of references to Gilson in the description of the guerrilla games First party team website Sony However, this has recently undermined this confidence, which is now further declining. In fact, the news Closing the official Gilson website, Its doors are finally closed, leaving the guerrillas only the following message of thanks to the fans:

Dear visitors of,
The official website for the Gilson series has been shut down. From now on, will have visitors Redirected to This has no effect on the multiplayer modes, player stats, or ranking data for the Gilzone Mercenary and Gilzone Shadow Fall, but it is no longer possible to create or manage clans in the Gilzone Shadow Fall. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks to the many fans and visitors of Those who have shown enthusiasm and support for many years.
Gorilla “

The news seems to be saying goodbye, but the future may surprise you: Do you want to return to the Gilson PS5?

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