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Minimum and Recommended Requirements Ray Tracing requires a powerful PC -

Camplay video on PS4 and Xbox One, how it looks on older Zen consoles –

Techland has shared something new online Sports video Dying Light 2 Stay HumanPrecisely the older Zen console versions, viz PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One X. We finally have a chance to see clearly what the performance of the game is in early February. You can watch the trailer above.

The Video gameplay Through Dying Light 2 Stay Human, it shows us the entire sequence of action scenes, mixing Parker’s exploration stages and first-person battle stages. The video first shows the PS4 version and then the PS4 Pro version. Below we see the Xbox One and Xbox One X. The final stage again shows weaker versions, i.e. PS4 and Xbox One, as it were confirmed. The game has no problems.

Obviously, come on PS5 e Xbox Series X | S, Dying Light 2 Stay Human Many graphics options to choose from, offering high quality and superior performance / clarity. This gameplay video shows that Dying Lite 2 Stay Human works solidly on older consoles and that there should be no real issues with the D1.

A trailer is not a definitive confirmation, but it is good that Techland has finally shown what performance is possible with the PS4 and Xbox One. Please note that Dying Light 2 is available on Stay Human, PC and Nintendo Switch: later version, however, has been postponed.

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