Calypso Celebrates His 15th Birthday! Along with this is a huge discount campaign. Source: Calypso Media Group GmbH
Publisher Calypso Media turns 15 on Monday! Celebrations began and will continue with Tropico’s 20th birthday in April – from today until August 25 there are up to 80 percent discounts on games at the Calypso Store. Two of these are the nostalgic classics of MUD TV, Imperium Romanum and Patrician IV, as well as the latest calypso top hits such as Spacepase Startopia or Tropico 6.
Since the founding of Calipso Media Group in 2006, “Computer Games Have No Economic Future!” Was able to clearly refute the statement made by the bank employee at the time of requesting that initial loan. The report has already made faces smile at several anniversaries.
Great success
With more than 150 employees in ten locations in five countries (Germany, Great Britain, USA, Japan, France), IV, Calypso Media’s strategy developed in the international sports arena thanks to the medium double digit turnover and successful series such as Tropico and Dungeons and titles such as Railway Empire and Patrician And became known as an expert in simulation games.
Dr. Anika Tun, Authorized Officer and Director of International Marketing, explains:
Numbers and growth alone cannot succeed. In calypso, co-workers of different genders and orientations or races work together in a trustworthy manner. Female empowerment, equality and inclusion with many women in high positions has been a topic at Calypso for 15 years and we will continue to live and implement it.
Founder and Managing Director Simon Helwick adds:
“I am very proud of what I have achieved and of all the employees. Despite many setbacks and setbacks, we have all worked tirelessly and passionately to build a very healthy company that has grown tremendously in terms of turnover, number of employees and value of the company, especially in the last 5 years.
The Gaming- editorial team would love to take this opportunity to wish them a happy 15th birthday. Many more great years with even more great games from Calipso. Congratulations!
If you want to know more about the founding history, special moments and fun events, you can visit 15 years of calypso genre on the blog Take a closer look at our social media channels # 15YearsOfKalypso Keep track of the next few days and weeks.
About Calypso Media Group GmbH
Calypso Media Group GmbH is an independent publisher, developer and marketer of interactive entertainment software with over 150 employees in 10 locations in Germany, the UK, France, Japan and the United States. The Calypso Media Group includes Cassette Games, the Calypso Media Group’s digital label and three development studios – Realforge Studios (Dungeons Series), Gaming Minds Studios (Railway Empire, Port Royal) and Claymore Game Studios from March 2020. Due to the recent acquisition of Cassette Games by French Bulwark Studios, Calypso Media now merges a total of four development studios into a group of companies.
As an expert in promoting strategic games for global audiences on all modern platforms, Calypso Media Group’s IP portfolio includes full rights to Tropico Series, Commandos, Port Royal, Dungeons, Sudden Strike and Railway Empire. Calypso Media’s latest releases include Port Royal 4, Tropico 6 – Nintendo Switch 2 Edition, Commandos 2 – HD Remaster for Nintendo Switch HD and Space Startopia. Upcoming releases include Port Royal 4 (September 10) for Next Gen consoles and Disciples: Release (October 21, 2021). City of Gangsters, Filament, console and tablet versions of the latest cassette games releases Warhammer 40,000: Mechanics and Distant Kingdoms (Available with Steam Early Access).
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