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Brussels Stability Classification: Missed Opportunities - Politics

Brussels Stability Classification: Missed Opportunities – Politics

The European Union has provided a historic opportunity. Called taxonomy, it could have established standards in the fight against climate change. Because it will be a science-based criterion guide for investors who want to invest their money in eco-friendly projects. But once again the EU is stuck in suspension. The idea of ​​setting a trend in the gears of economic and political interests was crushed.

Gas and nuclear power plants are now classified as climate-friendly energy sources, with only one type of bridge technology. But that means the original idea of ​​attracting investors to sustainable investments is lost. This is because those interested in green funding can no longer trust that the savings they want to invest in solar power companies or wind farms will go to the maintenance of outdated nuclear power plants.

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As a result, investors are jumping out and some companies are using the taxonomy for “greenwashing”. The European Union, which wants to portray itself as a fighter against climate change, has not issued full statements. Presumably, some formulas will be fine-tuned until the final classification is adopted in the coming weeks. However, this will not regain the confidence of disappointed investors.

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