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Bridge over the Messina Strait in Sicily Downloads 5 Star Movement: “Two works to mark the resumption, Troki government funds construction”

29 April 2021 16:50

The bridge over the Messina Strait must be built “without delay”: Democrats’ Calabrian and Sicilian representatives confirm this in a note

The Bridge over the strait of Messina May be “Logo” Italy’s rebirth after the epidemic and therefore the government, “Without hesitation”, Use the $ 50 million allocated in the last Budget Act “to complete the planning phase by 2021”, “Funding for works by 2022 with sources of multi-year funding for investments in the Budget Act for 2022” e “You will complete it by 2030”. This is what the Calabrian and Sicilian representatives of the Democratic Party are announcing Enza Bruno Posio, Saints Chaplains, Carmelo Michele, Pietro Navarra e Fosto Racity. It is clear, therefore, that the political will to develop such an important plan for the whole country is now beginning to apply. In Sicily The 5 star motion Isolated on this issue is, in fact, the social position against the construction of infrastructure a few days ago and the leader of the region acting in support of it: “What do you think of a president who wants a bridge over the strait, but does not care about the defamatory situation of the means. Perhaps Nello Musumasi never took the train to Sicily. When something happens, it takes a lifetime to cross the island. In short, three minutes to enter, but half a day can move.”.

“President Mario Draghi – Representatives of the Democratic Party recalled in a note – The Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainability told the Chambers two days ago that he would send to Parliament as a result of the work of the Commission of Experts appointed by the Govt. Pola de Michele to evaluate alternative solutions to the stable crossing of the Messina Strait. Thanks to the work of Democrats’ representatives in the government of Conte I, de Michele and Marcotta, the Ministry has clear ideas about the need to guarantee sustainable communication between Sicily and Calabria, but also engineering to guarantee some transport, economic and infrastructure that is most relevant to the country and Europe. In accordance with the will of Parliament, it was revealed in the speech of the government voted on by the House of Representatives in October last year and resumed in movements promoted by the BJP and approved with the consent of the majority. When Mitchell was Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, 50 million euros was allocated in the budget law to follow the signs of the Commission of Experts: start a feasibility study, conduct a public discussion on the works and complete the design features of the infrastructure that will allow the stable crossing of the Messina Strait. The government is now using these resources to complete the planning phase by 2021, with multi-year funding sources for investments in the Budget Act of 2022 to fund works by 2022 and implement it by 2030. Restarting the country later does not have an index plan for the epidemic. The constant abduction of the Messina Strait, which allows Italy to be the main gateway from Europe to the Mediterranean – ending with members of parliament – can represent that symbol that gives meaning and perspective to the entire recovery plan being developed. In recent days the government – such as the completion of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria high-speed train – has been able to better integrate the goals of sustainable development, technological innovation and social integration at the heart of EU development policies..

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