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Brass Knuckles, Gas Masks, Party Eagles Discovered: Century Flood Reveals Nazi Hideout in The Hague

Brass Knuckles, Gas Masks, Party Eagles Discovered: Century Flood Reveals Nazi Hideout in The Hague

Revolver, brass knuckles, gas masks with their original packaging and letters from the front. Not only that: books with titles like NSDAP’s Early Party Eagle, SA’s Whistle and later “The Eternal German Will” or “Flockmaradon 1941”. All of this is hidden within the wall trunk of a house in The Hague.

According to Sebastian Yurtsevan, the discovery was a “duck bump” moment, as he described it in an interview with the Westphallanpost. It is said to be the most important Nazi fund in the region in recent years.

According to the “WestfalanPost”, the flooding of the first floor made the sheet of plasterboard very wet and it became loose. A layer of clay coating on the red bricks came down the front. Then, behind a hole, was the 1940s newspaper. “When I pulled it out, other objects slipped from the top down,” says Yurtcheven. The city editor contacted the archive.

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Historians consider it to be a sensitive hideout chosen by members of the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization (NSV). Among other things, it was responsible for the Food Assistance System, the Home Assistance System, and the Kinderland Versiqing. The NSV was also involved in Nazi terrorism and persecution.

In Hagen on April 14, 1945 the Allies advanced into the city of Hagen with tanks and infantry. “Items removed from the wall, Hitler’s usual ‘Fர்hrer image’ and, more interestingly, a portrait of Emperor Friedrich III, I think, were probably thrown away on April 14,” said Ralph Blank, science leader at the Museums and Archives in the City of Hagen. It is said that the aim was to hide them from the Americans.

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The finds are now preserved and then presented to the public at the New City Museum. According to media reports, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the wall trunk filled with inventions is planned. (Tablespoons)