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Berlin Police Search: Robert Koch Company - Police and Justice - Suspected of Attack on Berlin

Berlin Police Search: Robert Koch Company – Police and Justice – Suspected of Attack on Berlin

The man arrested on Friday in connection with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) arson case in Berlin in the fall of 2020 has been acquitted. “He is no longer a suspect,” a police spokesman said Saturday. Man is free again.

The 43-year-old was initially arrested in Berlin-Kessundbrunnan. Witnesses identified him in police-desired photographs. The photos came from the surveillance camera of an internet cafe, from which a confession is said to have been sent.

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On the night of October 25, several criminals threw so-called Molotov cocktails – bottles of flammable liquid – against the wall of a building in the South Templehof-Shanberg district.

A security guard also saw several people throwing bottles. He extinguished the flames. The suspects fled. The main building in the northwest of the capital was not affected, but another corporate building. The police accepted the act as politically motivating. Robert Koch is a health officer who is also responsible for infections such as Govit-19. This facility plays an important role in the fight against infection. (dpa)

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