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BACINO, PIETRUCCI Authority: "Exhaust-barrel sufficient, region operates on procedures" |  The latest news from Abruzzo

BACINO, PIETRUCCI Authority: “Exhaust-barrel sufficient, region operates on procedures” | The latest news from Abruzzo

L’AQUILA – “When you point your finger at a problem, managerial incompetence, organizational failure, etc., creating difficulties, setbacks and severe consequences for the community, the region often seeks the most primitive and hypocritical justification: it is wrong. Of others. In this context, Deputy Secretary-General D’Annuntiis responds to my criticisms of the Basin Project Office’s failure to release approvals, assigning responsibilities exclusively to the Ministry of Environmental Change. “

The Democratic regional councilor writes it in a note Pierpaolo Pietrucci, Who adds: “We are well aware that there is corporate co-responsibility. But the truth is, even before I question it, many (professionals, municipal administrations, organizations, companies) have condemned this intolerable stalemate, with complete disregard for the Abruzzo region. In the face of any difficulty, the task of the public administration is to immediately intervene with its dedicated staff to deal with its own actions, resources, practices and situation.

“For example, as I recall, the previous legislature was able to strengthen the functions of civil engineers and manage large-scale post-earthquake reconstruction procedures using contracted external technicians (as well as, in general, accreditation. Practices associated with an extraordinary administrative and financial intervention”.

“In short, we have greatly improved the offices, without blaming the earthquake. However, today, D’Annuntiis boasts of a” higher “commitment than its role, a seat (two chambers, I imagine) for the structure of the National District Commission, its own officer and its own institution. Position “.

Wow what an attempt. If approvals fail to keep coming, it’s okay: others will be blamed. The solution really is: it is necessary to support the regional accent of the district authority with technical and professional figures to confirm the evidence for the Abruzzo Engineering agreement (approximately 0 240,000 per year) and to effectively manage the accreditation process. “.

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“I remind the distracted D’Anundees that the conference was cut in half in July and ended in September. Today, Abruzzo Engineering ensures the presence of three collaborators, even without a specific contract, ”he underscores.

“This is a region-specific commitment because nothing can be resolved by a discharge-barrel,” concludes Beatrice.

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