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Arcius Pokemon Legends: Hizu's old video hides a mystery

Arcius Pokemon Legends: Hizu’s old video hides a mystery

A modern-day researcher has now discovered Canalow City Library The most dilapidated video will be displayed at Chinno The oldest version of the region. We are talking about the most ancient Discovery of Hisui, And the researcher who recorded the video came up with a way Mysterious Pokemon Currently unknown. It’s the coaches who help researchers solve the mystery.

You can watch and listen from the video from any small time Doubts and speculations Many of the fans. We see a wanderer of Hisu’s researcher Snowy terrain, And we are very surprised to meet some wild Pokமொmon like the gods Snorant. Then he decides to go to a forest area where he meets A strange creature It also evokes a certain fear when it is adorable.

Red tail, soft white hair, big yellow eyes. Initially, the researcher believes he is ahead of Krolith or Wolfix, but then changes his mind: it’s currently unknown Pokemon. After observing the man, it is not clear whether it is a Pokmon ad Attack the researcher Or doing so is another creature, the truth is, the video stops and silence spreads.

There has been a lot of talk since the first online rumors Organine in Hisuvi, Or maybe something Ancient form of Froslas. Others believe it may or may not be a new Pokemon Sorua de Hisui. We may encounter the immediate announcement of a new form of Hishu, where the first evolutionary stage appears quiet and gentle, while its evolution makes human beings very aggressive and skeptical.

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We’ll find out who it is soon. “Regina“Are many people talking about this? Or we’ll be in touch with someone new Give Pokemon To meet? We will examine the video carefully Coaches, the news is coming.