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Application, verification, how to download it?

Application, verification, how to download it?

TousAntiCovid is an application that allows you to store your test results and vaccination certificate. The application installed on the phone has a QR code to scan. How to download it? Is it free? How to implement it? How to get Verif application? Guide.

Launched in 2020 under the name StopCovid, the processor renamed as TousAntiCovid has been downloaded 50 million French people. This Application Inevitably and necessarily your burden Vaccine and / or test certificates Covit can be useful for traveling and going to the hospital Health or Vaccine Pass It allows them to save their results on their smartphone Test Covid et al Vaccination certificates. How To Download All Andy Covid? Is it free? What does the person checking the pass through Tous Anti Covid Vérif see? Are All Anti Govt Cornets Still Working? We take part.

How to view contact cases with TousAntiCovid?

TousAntiCovid is the first application concentrated and interactive application Stopkovit Will be released in 2020 “Communication Tracking” Possible cases of goiter infection. TousAntiCovid allows The user tested positive for COVID-19 to immediately alert contaminants during his or her infection. Bluetooth On his smartphone. Only contacts who have previously downloaded the app will be notified. “Contacts” are people who meet in the previous days, less than a meter, for at least fifteen minutes. Its purpose is to allow cases of contact to be monitored, access to a physician, to be examined, and to isolate themselves if necessary, thus breaking the chain of transmission of the virus. TousAntiCovid offers several practical features:

முக்கிய Key statistics on the evolution of the Govt epidemic and vaccination in France.

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Access and download 3 types of certificates that act as Health Pass : Negative test certificate, Covit-19 recovery certificate andVaccine certification.

Available in utility stores All countries And has been translated into 6 languages.

All RT-PCR and antigen tests generate evidence as soon as the results are entered by the medical staff SI-DEP. An email and SMS will be sent to the patient, who can download the Covid test results with the QR code available on the test in the DosAntigovit application. To add your positive result, open the app and click “Scan a QR code” or “Notify yourself positively”.

Vaccination Certificate a Official Certification of the French Administration for the Covit-19 Disease Vaccine. It will be stored in digital format via the TousAntiCovid application QR code, To use During the trip Or access some public places in France (swimming pool, cinema, theater, restaurant, etc.). The vaccination certificate can be downloaded Amelie.

Who created TousAntiCovid?

Application is a research project initially launched at the European level Inria (National Institute for Digital Science and Technology Research) France. The Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut (2020) team with the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institution (Germany), which presents the technical framework for the application of the ROBERT protocol – ROBust and Privacy Protection Proximity Tracking – “Communication Tracking Agreement” application. Built on European Values ​​and TousAntiCovid. Is the application Held under the leadership of InriaIt brings together public companies, large groups and start-ups, but does not use the Apple and Google device that other countries have grouped into.

TousAntiCovid is the application Available for download from Thursday, October 22, 2020, On iOS and Android (Samsung type). Search “TousAntiCovid” in the Play Store (or Google Play) If you have a phone android Or inside AppStore If you use one IPhone. You can too Flash the QR code With your phone This page.

> Download from the Apple Store For iPhones

> Download on Google Play (Or Play Store) APK file for Android

Once the application is downloaded on the smartphone, it should be activated. To do this, connect the device to Bluetooth and click “”.Activate TousAntiCovid“In Apple.

A QR code must be scanned with its TousAntiCovid application At the entrance of each establishment Setting up all anti-Govt signal system that will be called back in case of positive Govt case in case you are there (restaurant and bar rooms, stadiums). No need to scan the QR code on exit. To scan QR code in TousAntiCovid application, it is very easy:

To scan a QR code at a company gateway:

  • Open the TousAntiCovid app at the entrance to the place (gym, restaurant, swimming pool, etc.)
  • Click “Scan a QR code”
  • Place the phone in front of the QR code and wait for it to recognize it.

Add your certificates (Certificate, Guide, Vaccine, Travel, etc.):

  • Open the TousAntiCovid app
  • Click “Scan a QR code”
  • Place the phone in front of the QR code of the paper vaccine (or test) certificate and wait for it to be approved.
  • Addition is done automatically in “TousAntiCovid-Carnet”.

As with all applications, TousAntiCovid is constantly updated to improve or integrate new features. To update it, you need to go to Google Play Store and search for “Tous Anti Covid”, then click “Update” or search the Apple Store if you have an iPhone. To Renew your vaccination certificateSimply Download the latest version from here Telecommunications.

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What is a TousAntiCovid Number?

In case of a technical question or problem with the use of TousAntiCovid, the following number is dedicated: 0800 087 148. List of questions / answers TousAntiCovid is also available online to help users.

TousAntiCovid Vérif application is different from TousAntiCovid. It is designed for professionals who manage companies that are open to the public. However, It can be downloaded by everyone and is free Google Play Store If you have AndroidApple Store If you have an iPhone. She allows Check the validity of vaccination certificates or negative Govt-19 test results by scanning the customer’s QR code. It can analyze QR codes in European format. When the QR code is illuminated using the TAC Verif application, The authorized person sees: surname, first name and date of birth – a “valid / invalid” indication. No connection to the Internet or server is required to proceed Verification A health pass.

Is TousAntiCovid Free?

“The application is free and you do not need to enter personal information, The Ministry of Health insists. If you scan the QR code, check that the link takes you to the TousAntiCovid government utility.

Source: Ministry of Solidarity and Health, TousAntiCovid answers your questions.