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Apple wants to involve steam in the fight against epic games, but Valve refuses -

Apple wants to involve steam in the fight against epic games, but Valve refuses –

In Legal fight No foot in between The epic game of Apple Ed Aiming at the Cupertino house, a specific implication has emerged coinvolgere steam For its reason Valve refused, however To offer their support.

Based on recently released legal documents, in November 2020 Apple demanded Valve software Large amount of business data Steam is related to the full year of sales and operations of the digital store. According to Apple, some of this data may have been provided Important evidence To help support the case against epic games, it focuses primarily on competitive practices.

Will and Lower, who handles the matter for Apple, said that according to McDermott’s law firm, Wolverine’s data will be “the primary distributor of its digital store, Steam, PC platform, and direct competitor to the epic game store.” The question is not very clear, but as Apple is in the battle against the epic games, Apple liked the fact that the valve would gladly offer its support Attack a competitor Direct, according to the old formula “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”, or something like that.

Looks like a valve instead Do not want to do anything With question: Based on the leaked documents, it appears that Valve has refused to produce information related to Requests 2 and 32. These claims are actually the most expensive on Apple’s side, from Valve to “Total annual sales of apps and utility products, revenue from advertising streams on Steam, sales of outdoor products due to steam, annual revenue (steam or net revenue).”

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Keep things like this, the valve is not very surprising Refused to produce data Requested: “Valve has reported that the information requested in the Council with Apple is available in standard business records, but Apple has refused to provide it in any form as requested.” It should also be noted that Valve did not refuse to cooperate at all: in the first instance it actually agreed to share some data related to revenue and distribution deals through Steam, but when the demand for “6 years” came into production the games and PC products were sold by hundreds of third party teams and publishers and Sharing the data with Apple later refused to enter into this matter.

Meanwhile, the Final Knight did not leave the App Store until the final investigation into the matter with Epic Games, which left 73 million users to go against Apple.

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