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Apex Legends Liberation event welcomes back to Flashpoint limited time mode

Apex Legends Liberation event welcomes back to Flashpoint limited time mode

April 14, 2022 – EA & Respawn Entertainment will be available on Apex Legends’ all new limited time event titled Liberation from April 19 to May 3. This will welcome the Flashpoint mode again and give players the opportunity to win new cosmetics and more.

Check out the release event trailer:

More information on this limited time event can be found atDedicated blog post As well as below:

  • Return from Flashpoint mode – Unprecedented battle at Olympus with the long-awaited flashpoint of the most popular limited time mode! In Flashpoint mode, the healing properties are removed from the loot and renamed to “Flashpoint Zones”, where all the legends are large areas of healing.
  • Themed Cosmetics – ‘Machine Language’ for Crypto, ‘Bad Robot’ for Pathfinder, ‘Quantum Conflict’ for Wright, ‘Slingshot’ for Valkyrie, ‘Prison Pacification’ for Car, Removed for Hemlock, ‘Tomb Digging’ and Remy ‘! To unlock cosmetics, weapons, state trackers and more, players can purchase Liberation Packs.
  • Flash events – Unleash the full power of Legends and complete two weekly challenges to unlock event-themed cosmetics.
    • April 19-26 – Rewards include a unique badge, epic charm, epic skin for the RE-45 and epic skin for the barber.
    • April 26 – May 3 – Rewards include a unique badge, Rare Apex Pack, Epic Boxer Nessie Holo-Spray and Liberation Pack.
  • Update the themed tab – EA and Respawn have updated the Theme Event tab as part of the launch event, highlighting new content and easily navigating menus.

Apex Legends – Disagreement Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch, and Origin and Steam on PC.

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