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Android 12: Google Releases Second Developer Preview for Current Pixel Smartphones (Download Links)


Next chapter Android 12: Almost a month after the first developer preview, Google released Android 12 Developer Preview 2 a few minutes ago. Interested and bold Pixel owners can now download the second version and try it on their smartphones. This version has many new features and bug fixes.

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Google just in time and a few minutes ago, just in time for the middle of the month, The Android 12 Developer Preview2 Published. Two weeks after the recently launched intermediate version of Android 12TB 1.1, it had several bug fixes. With the second developer preview, there are now many bug fixes and many new functions.

Major changes:

  • New Application Overlay Controls: Developers who create apps for Android 12 can declare that some content cannot be drawn. This will improve security and further mitigate overlay attacks.
  • Image-in-picture enhancements
    • DP2 has a very seamless transition to PIP windows formed during home gesture in gesture navigation.
    • Pixar-in-Pixer “Stocking” found in development in DP1 now works in DP2, allowing you to hide those windows slightly from the screen when you need to view your applications.
    • Displays single-layer PiP controls and changes the double-plate PiP window size.
    • Unrestricted PiP resizing: Applications can tell the computer that their PiP mode content can be adjusted dynamically when needed.
  • More Lock Screen Security Options: It’s not clear how much this change will depend on developers, but Android 12 will add extra specialty to lock screen interactions. For example, viewing notifications without authorization, but the notification button will be blocked from communicating until your keychain passes.
  • Fitness monitoring enhancements: Applications that manage fitness monitors or other connected devices may tell the computer to wake up when the hardware is connected, and they may be awake when those devices are nearby.
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Over the next few days, we will definitely report all the important discoveries that have been included in the second developer preview or are still hidden under the hood. If you want to try Android 12 on a smartphone you use every day, you have to wait until the first beta version, which is expected in mid-May.

You can find live download resources under the following link:

» Android 12 download links for pixel smartphones

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