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Y aura-t-il une tempête d'étoiles filantes le 31 mai ? Image composite des Géminides, grande pluie d'étoiles filantes, active en décembre. © Craig Taylor Photo, Adobe Stock

An exceptional shooting star storm may occur tonight!

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[EN VIDÉO] What is a comet?
Where do they come from? How many of them? Their name comes from the Greek komêtês, which means “hairy”. In Japan, they are nicknamed “star-brooms”. Many names that refer to their very different faces from the stars shining in the sky. Get to know them in the video!

It is rainingComets Every month, with more or less intensity. The most famous of these is without a doubt PerseidsThey are active every summer vacation, satisfying many visitors during their heyday with hundreds of people on August 12-13. Meteors Per hour on average (with 120 or 140 peaks). Little known, The Geminites, In December, will be very generous. The ones announced on May 31, dubbed Dow Hercules (τ-Hercules), are generally not very active and will be at a rate of 1,000 meteors this year, surpassing all others. Even more so if the predictions come true. Don’t talk anymore Shooting Star RainBut of Storm Comets!

How do you explain this sudden storm of shooting stars?

However, it is prudent to talk about it conditionally. The predictions are based on two studies Solid This year 2022, its models agree that the Earth will encounter many debris in its orbit. Comet 73P / Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 (The comet 73P, abbreviated) in its rise after its 1995 fragmentation. Fools This will amplify the scene.

“Our mission suggests that Contreil, which was ejected during the 1995 pass, will face Earth on May 31, 2022, a peak centered at 05:01 UT (07:01 Paris time), as previously explored.” Jérémie Vaubaillon of IMCCE writes.

What is a shooting star? Frank Menant’s response to Futura in the Stars. © Future

This comet returns every 5.4 years (Orbital period) Has been known since the 1930s, and its inventors expected it to be the most brilliant. They were eventually disappointed, and later observations claimed that the elongated shape of its nucleus was the result of fragmentation. After all, this is what happened in 1995 Eyes Open to many Telescopes. Hubble And Spitzer Then observed in 2006 and 2007. Procession of dust and ice.

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Animation created from many of Hubble’s observations of Comet 73P. © NASA

Best time to watch the meteor shower

It’s good to be ready anyway, because it’s awesome when explosions happen: of course, this year and even earlier this century, the most beautiful rain of shooting stars. ” […] Whatever you do, be prepared for surprises! Jeremy starts Wybillon. A bad surprise (e.g. a very weak ZHR) will teach us something about the science of comets, meteorites, meteorites and the celestial dynamics of meteorites. The Solar System. ⁇

According to the forecasts, the best time to surprise them would be at the end of the night for Western Europe, with possible surprises ahead (which is why we need to be patient and vigilant). The situation looks very favorable for the American continent (especially in Baja California, Mexico), where it will be an even deeper night. Especially since நிலா Will be absent, thus avoiding the disturbance of care of these small grains which attack in large quantities Atmosphere Small from the earth Speed (About 12 km / s). Conversely slow meteors that can rain hundreds of times, and are so weak that they are not always easily detected.

The name Hercules Dove comes from its named star Constellation Located near Hercules Radiation Of ‘Meteor swarm It was discovered in the 1930s. This year, the radioactivity should be searched in the Bouvier, not far from its brightest star, Arcturus, which was easily detected in the extension of the handle of the “Grande Casserole” with a red glow. Good care, and the shooting stars will be given that rain!

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Article of Xavier Dimmersman Released May 7, 2014

Many experts believe that the night of May 23 to 24 may be the scene of exceptional rain warming the stars. Debris accumulated by comet 209P / Linear decades ago could actually damage our atmosphere. Those with less confidence predict heavy rainfall with 100 to 400 meteors falling per hour. A show not to be missed.

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The traditional rain of stars with sparks on a pleasant evening on August 12th and 13th. PerseidsThis year’s single meteor shower is far from to be missed: numerous clusters enliven our nights every month, just as recently. Liritz From the end of April or Innumerable Of Leonids (November) and Geminits (December). Of course, their performance is lower than expected, delayed by a few hours or favored by visitors located in another part of the world. It can also happen the opposite of the happiness of those who are ready to praise them.

In each case, they have seized it, despite obstacles we can scarcely imagine. ” Comets Those who shed a part of them GasWhen dust and small grains approach their intervals The sun. Further plane and debris drop are unequal and are associated with currents of variable density. As the Earth passes through these masses, their fall into the atmosphere triggers its access Fever The meteors we most want to catch. Soon, probably from the night of May 23rd to 24th, we will experience an exceptional storm of star warming. Why such an event, what to expect.

International experts in the matter were the first to speculate on the possibility of a meteor storm occurring on this date. Since 2012, Esco Lidinen, Peter Janiskens (NASA) and Jeremy Vaubyn After calculations by the Institute of Celestial Mechanics, it was realized that between 1803 and 1924, small comet 209P / Linear eruptions were expected to penetrate our atmosphere to some extent from 23 May to 24 nights. These dusts are so small that only the largest grains are visible. Also, if they were in large numbers as predicted by researchers, we could see a real meteor storm that we have not seen in a long time.

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Rain or meteor shower?

Confirming their calculations, other experts want to dampen their confidence and talk about the peak of activity at 100 to 400 meteors per hour. Below 1,000 meteors per hour to talk about the storm, the calculated peak is even more massive compared to the famous ones. Perseids, Which usually amazes us with 100 to 150 meteors per hour per year. However, everyone warns that action is difficult to anticipate, thanks to a project that only discovered the veins of this comet’s debris in 2004. Linear Not yet properly understood. It is small (the size of its nucleus is estimated at 0.8 to 1 km) and is very difficult to observe, with its orbital period being only five years. On May 6, the hairy star, decorated with gas and dust, will reach its minimum distance from the sun, or Perihelion, Which is 145 million kilometers (or 0.9 AU, approximately equal to the distance that separates us from our star). On May 29, it will be 8.2 million kilometers or 0.0554 AU from Earth.

If its function is confirmed, the mass should have radiation Giraffe (Camelopartalis), A small and delicate galaxy near the North Pole, between Cassiopeia and the Pole. Big bear. This perimeter level is very useful for visitorsNorthern Hemisphere And guarantees night vision. Also, the moon does not represent any obstacle, because the thinner the crescent, the inside Link With lightning VenusI will not wake up before 4:30 am. All that remains is to find a clear platform to improve thinking. Light impurity Occupy our cities, be comfortable with yourself, and then wait and count. Naturally, the culmination of the activities of the Camelopartalides will be suspense until this evening. I look good!

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