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AMD gamers are better off waiting

AMD gamers are better off waiting

AMD Raison CPUs face some compatibility issues with video games with Windows 11 and show -15% efficiency.

Windows 11 already promises miracles to its users, and many users are already coming to the latest version of the operating system. However, there are some precise conditions in which it has not yet reached its predecessor … in particular Video games on select AMD Raison processors. One step Connected The founder of The Edge, whose CPUs currently have issues compatible with Windows 11; In practice, this will reduce the game’s performance by up to 15%.

After conducting their investigation, the two technology companies identified two concerns. Is on the first page L3 cache, Whose delay would have tripled under Windows 11 Load distribution on different cores. One feature that has largely contributed to the success of AMD processors in recent years; However, this feature is not yet known exactly with the new Windows.

An update is coming very soon

The statement said:AMD and Microsoft are actively exploring these issues that they are fully aware of and working to resolve them through software updates. Until these issues are resolved, brands are advising players using the Raison CPU to find a solution Good old Windows 10.

Both groups are committed Get in touch as soon as possible Once this performance issue is resolved. Theoretically, these updates should come very soon, very accurately By the end of the month. But until then, for the most demanding players, it is better to follow their recommendation, and of course Please wait before changing the OS. Especially if you are used to playing games that are particularly demanding, they are very CPU intensive.

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