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All the clever tricks for gardening on the balcony (and fight stress).  Download the guide!

All the clever tricks for gardening on the balcony (and fight stress). Download the guide!

You’ve always wanted to have a vegetable garden, but don’t have the land to do it? Do not give up. You do not need a lot of space to create your own, but even a balcony or terrace will suffice.

Having a small green corner to take care of in your home is good for your mood, in fact – according to some studies – it will extend your life. Also, do not underestimate the fact that growing a vegetable garden is an excellent anti-depressant and encompasses all senses: sight, smell, touch, palate naturally (you will feel the difference compared to products purchased at the supermarket!).

What can be grown on the balcony?

The selection is huge. You can grow aromatic plants (like basil and rosemary to make your recipes fragrant), vegetables (like eggplant and tomatoes) and fruit (like strawberries). If the space on your balcony or terrace seems small, be sure to consider walls and rails suitable for vertically growing plants such as peas, tomatoes and strawberries.

If you do not know where to build your balcony garden, treat yourself with good will, check out this guide, which will help you with the necessary tools and step by step with explanations and advice.

The guide can be downloaded here.

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