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Ahmed "Patron" Miri: The size of a Berlin clan is 27th Tuldung - Berlin gets

Ahmed “Patron” Miri: The size of a Berlin clan is 27th Tuldung – Berlin gets

A prominent member of the infamous Miri clan may now be staying in Germany. At the end of last year, Ahmed A. with several criminal records. Was given another leave of absence; It is now his twenty-seventh time. This was reported by “Der Spiegel” on Friday.

Confidential documents from the Berlin Foreign Registration Office show that the certificate of suspension of deportation is valid for one and a half years.

39-year-old a. He is said to have arrived in the country from Lebanon in 1989 with his parents. His asylum application was rejected in 1992. The family could not be deported due to lack of passport. As a young man, a. Among other things, it was observed for robbery, theft and physical harm. The Federal Federal Register now has 22 entries.

According to the report, a. Maintain close contacts on the Berlin gangsta rap scene. The verdict against A was finalized only in September. At the end of January 2020, Berlin District Court sentenced him to two years and three months in prison for dangerous physical harm and violation of the Arms Act.

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The culprit, who publicly calls himself Ahmed “Patron” Miri, has been claiming to be from Syria for years. He has been handling various identities among officers for many years. Three aliases are known about him, sometimes he was born in 1980, sometimes in 1982 or 1984, sometimes in Lebanon, sometimes in Turkey – or in Syria.

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The second asylum application was rejected. The ban on deportation to Syria, which has been in place since 2012, expired at the end of December. Transfers to the country are not yet possible. Ahmed A. The attorney did not respond to a “specific” request regarding his client’s residential status. (Tablespoons)