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After New Year's Day Temperature Record: Berlin & Brandenburg Moderate Weather Continues New Year - Berlin

After New Year’s Day Temperature Record: Berlin & Brandenburg Moderate Weather Continues New Year – Berlin

After New Year’s temperature recordings, the night of January 1st was unusually moderate. According to German Meteorological Agency (DWD) meteorologist Stephen Rubach, it was “the hottest January night since the weather began.” Berlin and Brandenburg.

Temperatures throughout the night were in the double-digit range. The maximum temperature at the Berlin-Tempelhof meteorological station was measured at 11.8 degrees.

On New Year’s Day the weather will be cloudy, but often dry with a temperature of 14 degrees. According to the DWD, temperature recordings are possible during the day on January 1, before which it can cool to 6 degrees at night.

Heavy cloud cover and showers are expected in some places on Sunday. Maximum values ​​range from 10 to 13 degrees. Currently, a large southwesterly current causes unusually moderate temperatures in winter.

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New Year’s Eve has been the hottest in many places since the start of temperature recordings in Berlin and Brandenburg. Temperatures above 15 degrees were measured in Brandenburg. (dpa)

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