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Advantages of the connection for 5G, decarbonization.  Download the report

Advantages of the connection for 5G, decarbonization. Download the report

MIT’s new report with Ericsson analyzes the positive impact of mergers on the decorbonization process of highly polluting industrial sectors.

New report released MIT Technical Study Analyzes the positive impact of mergers on the decorbonization process of highly polluting industrial sectors. Baptism ‘Decorbonizes businesses with connectivity and 5G‘, The report is sponsored Ericsson, And based on reports from senior executives who specialize in technology, business and innovation.


In fact, the report evaluates how the use of connectivity, including 5G and other digital mobile technologies, can implement decorbonization of energy and electrification, production and transportation.

Scarica il Report Links to Decorbonizing Industries and in 5G PDF

The report concludes that due to 5G and other digital mobile technologies, the speed of their operation, low latency and the ability to enable companies to connect and manage different and remote resources, decorbonization efforts can generate a modifying acceleration.

Important points

  • 5G is a key factor in creating new performance gains and new sustainable performance processes. In addition, 5G and other mobile technologies allow companies to achieve significant gains in energy efficiency by better monitoring and reducing waste and material costs by improving practices.
  • Improving mobile network data analysis capabilities. IoT devices, data generated by self-driving vehicles, and the greater visibility that devices provide decision makers in their operations guarantee a broader view of the functions that greenhouse gas emissions provide. All of this allows you to create a powerful analytics platform to expeditiously support decision makers in the decarbonization process.
  • Some fields that generate high emissions are interconnected. Many companies are interconnected by interconnected operating models and business environment systems that provide already shared data and views. 5G facilitates more interconnected systems that allow the sharing of different data across supply chain, logistics networks and energy networks, thus opening important quality tabs to reduce emissions.
  • Governments and corporations are under great pressure to change the way energy and materials are produced and consumed to rapidly reduce carbon emissions.
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Important points

In August 2021, theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The United Nations has released its sixth report, which states that without significant and immediate reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions, the world will continue to face irreversible climate hotspots that will have an impact on everything. From food production to migration patterns to the world economy.

The topics discussed in the fourth edition of the conference will be the relationship between linkage and decarbonization. 5G Italy 2021, Organizing Committee CNIT, Scheduled for 30 November to 2 December.