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Adult Education Center "Stotland Daytonflus": How to Use Higher Education to Adapt Germans to the Digital World - Politics

Adult Education Center “Stotland Daytonflus”: How to Use Higher Education to Adapt Germans to the Digital World – Politics

Most Germans now own a smartphone, not just the younger ones for a long time. In the digital world this is becoming more and more important. It should also be increasingly possible to manipulate officials in this process. But the German administration is not yet digital.

There are a lot of things to do among citizens: those of the “digital natives” generation do not have to be familiar with the functionality of smartphones themselves. You also need to know what information the device exchanges when any third party is in use.

This is because we place a lot of value on our behavior, our location and our preferences, sometimes without even realizing it. In order to playfully convey an understanding of the role of data in our daily lives, the German government recently introduced a new training program, hosted by President Angela Merkel.

The application “Stotland Daytonflus”, developed by adult education centers in collaboration with experts, will be available for download from the end of February. If you do not have a smartphone, you can study on your computer or tablet. There is a less playful version of the subject in the so-called KI-Campus, a learning platform funded by the Federal Ministry of Education.

Data Literacy for All – This is one of the goals of the federal government in the recently released data strategy. “Data literacy” is the technical term for it; For example, in the digital world, media literacy can be compared. “We all use digital data on a daily basis and leave traces of data on the Internet,” said Dorothy Barr (CSU), Minister of State for Digital Affairs.

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“However, there is often a lack of effective handling of data and digital applications.” That is why, according to Bar, the population needs a “basic understanding of digital offers”.

With quizzes for more data literacy

For example, now there is application. “Stotland Daytonflus” is designed as a virtual city, built around a knowledge base – an adult education center. In this section, users can answer quizzes on data matters.

In nearby fields based on areas of health, mobility and work, in-depth lessons can be played through: How does the smartwatch work, and what information does it collect and share about me? How do traffic lights and vehicles communicate with each other in a networked city? How safe are video conferences that have played an important role in social life following the epidemic? What is phishing?

At the playground in the virtual city, you can exchange collected knowledge points and open games.

“As you stand in a supermarket upgrade with a foreign currency with a foreign currency”

“Data literacy is like arithmetic, reading and writing,” says Julia van Westerholt, director of the Adult Education Association, whose team developed the application. He believes many people still feel lost in the digital world. It’s like standing in a supermarket upgrade in a foreign country with a foreign currency.

You have no idea how valuable this coin is and what you can buy for it. “We want to use the app to give people confidence in the digital world,” he says.

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To achieve this goal, Adult Education Centers worked with Katrina Schuller, founder of State-Up, a data analysis company based in Munich. She is responsible for the concept of the curriculum of the application. “We do not want to train data scientists – that is, experts in data analysis – but rather establish data capabilities as part of general education.”

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That’s why the app makes fun of what the risks are, but above all what the opportunities are. “This allows citizens to handle their data with confidence,” says Schuller.

5000 people downloaded the app – not many of them

According to the Association of Adult Education Centers, the app has been downloaded more than 5,000 times in the first two weeks – expandable. Adult education centers are currently operating in an epidemic manner, but as lessons resume, the promotional activities launched for the project may also have an effect. Coffee Nets, project manager at the Adult Education Association, hopes this will create “broader feedback in the future.” The offer should be used in the classroom as well.

Dorothy Barr asks associations to help you get acquainted with the application

The Federal Press Office also provides support in promoting the application. During a round of talks with government spokespersons Stephen Shebert and Dorothy Barr, the multipliers of associations and organizations were asked to help. Adult Education Centers are pleased with the support of the Federal Executive Committee of Senior Citizens’ Organizations and the Federal Parent Council.

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Senior: The inner association expressed their enthusiasm

The first version is clearly aimed at users who do not have a lot of basics. Senior: Internal Association “Great appreciation for the easy access to content and understanding of information,” says project manager Nets.

The application meets with teachers who have a “very special interest in the field of school education” or who want to use data questions and games in the classroom.

The application is not likely to be much needed by young people

This can be a bit of a challenge for children and young people who are digitally compatible. “On TV we can imagine changing curriculum policies, learning objectives and content into a‘ school ’version of the application,” says Nets.

In circles of other organizations that want to offer digital capabilities, the response to the introduction of self-made application of adult education centers has been surprising at times. If the “Stotland Daytonflus” app is sold as a huge success, it is doubtful how much such an offer will actually bring, but rather disappoint consumers and voters.

After all, no one understands that adapting German society to the digital world is an enormous task.