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Ce duo de galaxies en interaction est collectivement appelé Arp 143. La paire contient la galaxie spirale déformée à formation d'étoiles NGC 2445, à droite, ainsi que son compagnon moins flashy, NGC 2444, à gauche. © Nasa, ESA, STScI, Julianne Dalcanton (Center for Computational Astrophysics / Flatiron Inst. and University of Washington); Image Processing : Joseph DePasquale (STScI)

A strange triangular-shaped galaxy observed by Hubble

The NASA And thisESA Recently uploaded shocking pictures taken by telescope Hubble Shows some examples of collision stars that are part of L ‘Atlas of strange galaxies, Also commonly known as the Atlas Orb. This is an astronomical list showing specific galaxies Astronomer American Halton Orb (1927-2013). He first published it in 1966, when he died he listed 338 galaxies.

Halton Orb, like Fred Hoyle, Margaret and Jeffrey BurbitzWould be an opponent of the theory of Big Bang In the late 1960s (although discovered) Cosmic radiation) To date. Like Hoyle, he questioned the interpretation of spectral change under Hubble-Lemitre law in terms of space expansion. This contradiction must have another interpretation, for example within the framework of a theory Light Fatigue, which includes continuous lossEnergy From Photons Provided by Stars This loss-free distance is associated with a shift towards greaterness WavelengthsSo blue, from red, is due Expansion The continuous and accumulated wavelengths of photons are responsible for the expansion of space during their orbit.

This pair of interacting galaxies is called Orb 143. The pair consists of the spiral galaxy NGC 2445, which forms the distorted star, to the right and its minus asteroid, NGC 2444, to the left. © NASA, ESA, STScI and J. Dalcanton (Center for Computational Astronomy / Flatiron Inst., UWashington)

Galaxies invalid the Big Bang theory

Tired optical theory is unacceptable, as the great Russian astronomer Yakov Cheldovich quickly showed for the first time. According to the known laws of physics, any energy loss according to the theory of exhaust light involves random loss. The amount of movement Photons interact with their environment, for example interleaved dust, so images Stars And the galaxies become more and more distorted with distance, which is completely unnoticed.

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Also, as explained Cosmologist Nate WrightThe relative expansion of space represents the evolutionary time of the light curve of explosions Supernovae Should appear to have expanded according to a very precise law, an expansion unpredictable by any theory of tired light. However, not only the phenomenon and the predicted rule are observed, but the difference of opinion between the theory and the observations of tired light is 11 sigma, the researchers say in their text. This is a huge disagreement.

Orp was concerned that some of the objects on his list showed interactions with galaxies or at least appeared to be due to their proximity to the celestial body. However, these galaxies had different spectral variations. Milky Way. Most logically, Harp concluded that this rejected the standard theory of spectral change. A well-known example is Stephens Quintet, a visual constellation of 5 galaxies. Pegasus galaxy And first observed in 1878 by the French astronomer Edward Stephen. In fact, only 4 galaxies are in real contact, as in all other cases Harp was able to show that the differences in change were actually due. Different spatial distances and the connections of the celestial body are simple Stars Like the stars.

List of Hubble and Arpin

Latest image uploaded by NASA and ESA shows NGC 2444, one Lenticular galaxy The ring is located at about 180-200 million in the Lynx galaxyLight years The Milky Way, as well as NGC 2445, discovered by the French astronomer Edward Stephen in 1877, is a circular galaxy but undoubtedly associated with NGC 2444.

NGC 2445 was discovered by Edward Stephen in 1877, and the two galaxies are now known as Orp 143. A ring galaxy is a ring-shaped galaxy where it has massive blue stars and is relatively young. The Astronomers It is believed that ring galaxies form when a galaxy passes through a large galaxy. The Gas The self-gravity of galaxies can be considered basically non-collisional, but the gravitational disturbances caused by such an event can cause shock waves in the interstellar medium. Clouds Molecules, their cause Decline Gravitational force and thus the wave to form a star.

This is believed to have happened between 50 and 100 million years ago with Arp 143, so new star formation erupted at NGC 2445. The triangular shape of this galaxy is thought to be the cause. Gravitational forces Distorts its loop structure. NGC 2444 has old stars and no new star births because it lost its gas long before this galaxy.

One week before Arp 143, NASA uploaded another Hubble image of Arp 282, an interactive galaxy in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 169 (below) and Galaxy IC 1559 (above). NGC 169 is a Spiral galaxy Located at Andromeda galaxy About 205 million light-years from the Milky Way. It was discovered in 1857 by the Irish astronomer RJ Mitchell.

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These two galaxies are in contact Via From Wave forces Decompose them and expel gas and stars. Both are home Active galaxy nuclei It seems well established for some time that they derive their energy from it Thing By Central gigantic black holes.

Many objects from the Halton Orp table are featured in this video. © Nass, Isa, Go Astronomy

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