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A player captures a record number of Pokemon in 24 hours and explains how to do it

A player captures a record number of Pokemon in 24 hours and explains how to do it

It coincides with the game’s Social Day Pokemon Co. This Japanese player set a record by capturing the record number of Pokemon in just 24 hours.

Pokemon were captured every minute

This Saturday happened this Saturday, an opportunity to always have the opportunity to save on the new Pokemon and especially Chromatic. So the Japanese player known by the fake Torrotrota took advantage of this event Registration number of the captured Pokemon In one day. Hold on tight: He caught 11 400 !

Check out the original tweet

This means a recordHe was able to catch 8 per minute ! Hell of an acting he was able to get thanks for his bike. In addition, he had the opportunity to take a good walk.

A performance was achieved thanks to the good management of Pokeballs

The Japanese player explains that he is achievable Thanks to his 130km cycling he started his hunt with 2,900 boogie balls. For the record holder, the most complicated thing is not to succeed in catching them, but rather Manage your Pokmon stocks. Players Pokemon Co. You know, you can only have a certain number at a time. Here’s how he did it. Simply By converting them to candy by converting them to Professor Willow or by sending them to the Pokemon Home app.

A trick that records the number of Pokemon captured in 24 hours and bears fruit from the opportunity. Get your hands on 139 glossy Pokmon, including Passruz, a Nitorina or a Snoop. Gallery that makes all fans Pokemon ! Now that you know his trick, all you have to do is try to break his record.

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