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A huge asteroid is to graze Earth this Sunday

A huge asteroid is to graze Earth this Sunday

2001 is called FO32 and has a diameter of less than one kilometer, which rotates at a speed of 124,000 km per hour. “Faster than most asteroids” According to NASA, it is moving closer to Earth.

The first non-arrival rock body is due to go very close to our planet this Sunday at 4:02 pm GMT (5:02 pm Paris time).

It is 2,016,158 km from Earth or five times the Earth-Moon distance.

“No risk of conflict”

“No risk of collision with our planet”, Promises to the American Space Agency.

Its path is real “Sufficiently well known and regular” To avoid any risk, guarantee the experts of the Paris-PSL laboratory.

The large rock body is however classified “Dangerous”, Like all asteroids less than 19.5 times the Earth-Moon distance and more than 140 meters in diameter.

This type “Can be constantly hunted down by astronomers around the world and draw the most complete possible inventory.”, Underlining the laboratory, recalls that the first and largest – asteroid, Cyrus was discovered in 1801.

First observed in 2001

The asteroid “2001 FO32” was first spotted in 2001 and has been under close scrutiny since.

It belongs to the “Apollo” family of asteroids close to Earth, which orbit the Sun for at least a year and may cross Earth’s orbit.

“Currently, not much is known about this subject, so this intimate passage offers an incredible opportunity to learn a lot”, Lance Benner, a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said it depends on the CNOS Observatory.

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Visible in the southern hemisphere

According to CNEOS, “It can be seen by amateur astronomers in the Southern Hemisphere and in the lower northern latitudes.”

“We have to wait until it gets dark and get our hands on a good telescope with a diameter of at least 20 centimeters.”, Told the AFP Florentine Telegraph of the Paris Laboratory.

“One must see a white dot moving like a satellite”, Added the astronomer.

This orbit has nothing to do with shooting stars, and tiny asteroids form a glowing line that separates the sky in an instant.

None of the major asteroids listed are likely to collide with Earth in the next century.