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Fin du Nintendo eShop 3DS et gratuité de la Banque Pokémon

End of Nintendo eShop 3DS and Free Pokémon Bank

We meet for new information about Nintendo eShop 3DS As well as popular use Pokemon Bank, Many of you are still using. Nintendo announced last night that it would close permanently Nintendo eShop To consoles 3DS, 2DS and Wii U In the end March 2023, No more games will be released on these sites. As a result, from this date on, you will not be able to download any applications Nintendo eShop With these consoles, you can buy the dematerialized Pokemon games (or others) you want Pokemon Bank.

End of Nintendo eShop 3DS and Free Pokémon Bank

Pokemon Bank

About Pokemon Bank More specifically, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y launched in 2013, after which the annual subscription you pay will disappear and you will be free to use it when it expires. March 2023. However, from Nintendo eShop 3DS Will end soon March 2023To continue to use the app for free, you must have downloaded it on your console. The application will be processed free of cost till the due date.

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Posted on By Gelios Editing: 02/16/2022 at 10:06 am Source: Nintendo

Incarnation of GeliosMustébouée is the best
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