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The oil plant unloads bomas into a stream, the owner and his worker said

The oil plant unloads bomas into a stream, the owner and his worker said

Oil plant owner in the municipality Montaldo Ufuko (Cs) and one of his workers had recently lodged a complaint with the Judicial Officer of the local station’s forest police for violating environmental laws. After some citizens reported the emergency number 112, they noticed the strange dark pink and foul color of the water. In the “Fosso del Granchio”, the army went on a raid in the “Martorano” district of Montalto.

Carabinieri knew this, and found it on a farm that owned an oil plant “outside of approved agricultural practice.” . According to military tests, the effluent of the same nature affected the surface system and the river ecosystem of about four kilometers of water bodies. According to the information revealed from the investigation, the oil waste generated by the operation of the plant was transported, unloaded and dumped in the abyss by a tractor-driven company tank wagon.

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