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Increase in Private Individuals: SACAL fulfills the responsibilities of public shareholders

Increase in Private Individuals: SACAL fulfills the responsibilities of public shareholders

The Società Aeroportuale Calabrese Spa “refers to the fact that in the first 5 months of 2021 following the Govt 19 emergency, the company suffered an emergency shutdown in the face of severe losses, in response to press reports of a capital increase resolved by shareholders during an extraordinary meeting last July 2. – A note states – far from the result of any concert or sale.The result of the capital increase approved by the above 89.429% shareholders is Lamezia Terme, Calabria Region, Catanzaro Province, Catanzaro Chamber of Commerce, the public shareholders of the municipality. Catanzaro, Cosenza Province, Cosenza Chamber of Commerce, Confindustria Cosenza, Vibo Valentia Chamber of Commerce, vo non CORAP ler / in whole or in part, can subscribe to shares of their respective capacity.

“Of the above, Sakal is the person who can tax the decisions made by the shareholders during the above course.
Assembly, already provided – as mentioned in the press release – Communications or dialogue in which the company expresses its full willingness to further clarify and / or provide the requested feedback with formal information sent immediately by certified email to ENAC is considered useful and / or
However, in view of the position taken by ENAC in relation to the capital augmentation, it is not required by law to resort to its voluntary liquidation or various bankruptcy proceedings, with the consequent serious consequences for the airport and its staff to communicate with the ENAC and other authorities interested in any capacity of course Be in charge.

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