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Android 12 |  Minimum Requirements Mobile Phones Smartphone |  Install and Download Applications |  Google |  Training |  nda |  Thank you

Android 12 | Minimum Requirements Mobile Phones Smartphone | Install and Download Applications | Google | Training | nda | Thank you

He announced the launch of the latest version of the newly released operating system: , Brings many intriguing features such as a specific change in the design of animations and announcements.

With The energy cost of your mobile phone is significantly reduced, which will last your mobile battery one hour longer than usual.

More info: Google: 10 free courses with certification

However, you have On your smartphone, your device must meet several minimum requirements. In the absence of one of them, it will unfortunately be in the factory version. So look at this.

Minimum requirements for downloading Android 12

Keep in mind that these requirements are provided , Will make you think better about choosing a good mobile phone in the future and not staying with an operating system:

  • One of the first requirements is that the minimum pixels per inch should be 400 or more
  • Also, your mobile should have a 12MP rear camera and 4K 30fps recording
  • As for the front camera, it should have 5MP and full HD30 FPS recording
Find out if your mobile is going to get Android 12. Have you checked yet? (Image: Google)
  • On the other hand, you need to have 6GB of RAM
  • Also, your device must have at least 64GB of storage.
  • Must have memory that can exceed 125 MB / s and 250 MB / s speeds and write speeds

How to install Android12

  • The first thing you need to do after your Google Pixel 3 or later is enter the developer options. To access it, go to Settings and Settings and type the number 10 times to create it.
  • Now go to USB Debugging and enable the OEM option. Then you need to connect your device to the computer. But before you do that, make sure you download the ATP program. That’s why we leave the link here:
  • Go now . Select the device you connected and accept the connection on your mobile.
  • At that point, you have to accept everything that appears on your computer. Now wait until all the information is loaded, this process can take up to 30 minutes and voila.
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