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Sur cette vue d’artiste, une naine blanche en train de se nourrir de la matière arrachée à son étoile compagne. © Helena Uthas, Université de Durham

This white dwarf died suddenly

A white dwarf is the remnant when all the hydrogen in a star is “burned”. Astronomers noticed that one of these white dwarfs was turned off and on again in 30 minutes. This is the first time such an event has occurred in such a short period of time.

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A White dwarf, It was a star at the end of his life. The fate that awaits most stars when their burning Hydrogen. They will collapse to a size comparable to the size of the Earth Mass It is just like that சோலைல். Some white dwarfs eat it Thing They snatch from a sub-star. Their Brightness Duration varies from a few days to a few months.

But Researchers at the University of Durham (UK) reported today that they noticed White dwarf It lost its brightness in just 30 minutes. Before getting back! A unique phenomenon revealed by the Tess satellite (Transiting Exoplanet Survey) Its main purpose Eliminate extraterrestrials. To date, one phenomenon that scientists understand about the way these systems feed is completely indescribable.

This white dwarf is TW Pictoris, a star Constellation The painter, you knowSouthern Hemisphere. It is located at least 1,400 Light years Of our earth. TW Pictoris is the most accurate name Star system In which the white dwarf in question. It feeds, a Collection disk Hydrogen was supplied and Radiation By a sub-star. In doing so, it will, in principle, become more glowing.

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It is good to understand the phenomenon of accumulation

However, the observations of Durham University researchers show a sharp drop in brightness and increase in brightness over a very short period of time. And this phenomenon is even more astonishing Astronomers The flow of material on the accumulator disk appears to be relatively constant.

What is the hypothesis put forward by the researchers to explain these mood changes Magnetic field The surface of the white dwarf can be subjected to continuous remodeling. They call it fashion “Get off”, Something similar to high luminosity, the white dwarf eats the surrounding object. Suddenly, the system shuts down and the brightness drops. Perhaps because a magnetic field rotates so fast, a kind of centrifugal barrier then prevents the accumulation of matter.

Astronomers thus induce a kind of existence Door Magnet “ This regulates the diet of the white dwarf. Leads to a small semi-regular increase in the brightness they notice. After a while, the system will run periodically and the brightness will return to its original state.

In more detail, astronomers hope that their discovery will shed lightPhysique This is not only on the white dwarfs, but still hidden behind the surveillance event Black holes And neutron stars. The main role played by magnetic fields can be illuminated.

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