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There is an understanding on WhatsApp: Annoying messenger problem fixed

There is an understanding on WhatsApp: Annoying messenger problem fixed

While some WhatsApp users may not be fans of voice messaging, this feature is undoubtedly a welcome alternative to classic text messaging for others – especially if you do not have the time or the muse to type.

So far, however, voice messages have been a major annoyance to many: when speaking of a memo, it cannot be prevented from being completed later. Especially annoying, of course, when you interrupt with a call or a long message like that, then you have to start a new voice message.

With a new update, WhatsApp will solve the problem soon, like the always well-known blog WABetaInfo Found.

WhatsApp Discovery: Pause Voice Messages – How It Works

Users will find an additional red button on the voice message screen in the future, as seen in the YouTube clip above this section. Tap this while recording to pause the memo. By tapping the same button, you can easily restart the voice message without starting a new message.

According to WABetaInfo, the new feature has only been found in the beta version of iOS so far. However, Messenger developers are already working on a variant for Android systems. So far, the functionality is not working in the final or beta versions of WhatsApp. One of the next updates is expected to improve voice message recording.

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