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New PEI, here is a useful template for compiling.  Download the PDF

New PEI, here is a useful template for compiling. Download the PDF


By October, schools will have to draw up the IEP, which was the focus of attention following this year’s Lazio TAR ruling, which rejected the new ministerial body for personal planning. Here is a sample of the ghost created by Unisalento.

We memorize it with the sentence number. 9795/2021 of 14 September 2021, Lazio Regional Administrative Court, Section III Bis, ordered the revocation of the Interim Order No.. 182/2020 and its links (guidelines, IEP templates, links C and C1).

We invite our readers to send us questions and doubts about completing IEP to the email address [email protected] We will select some of these questions and discuss them directly with our expert.

The Ministry has issued a memorandum informing the schools that TAR’s arrangements provide timely information provided by our editorial staff immediately after the issue by the court, but above all. “Functional indications of obligations related to the process of enrolling students with disabilities and, in particular, the process of creating IEPs for the 2021/2022 academic year, the determination of new arrangements and / or judicial practice to protect the right to enroll in school.

As already expected by our editorial staff in the possible situation after the sentence, the Ministry reminds itIn this regard, the legal order n. 66/2017 and subsequent amendments contain detailed references to ensure the participation of all involved in the scheme of inclusion in this regard:

a) Personalized Curriculum – IEP (Article 7, paragraph 2), specifying methods and times for preparation; Identifying educational and artificial objectives; Etc.
b) School Admissions Committees (Art. 9) and, in particular, GLO – Functional Working Committees for Admissions, especially the composition and its functions (paragraph 10) and student participation (paragraph 11).

PEI, how to fill it after the termination of the TAR that canceled it. Instructions of the Ministry

Specialization in PEI

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