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Admittedly, will Absidian's Xbox exclusive be the same as Skyrim's?  Game details are leaked

Admittedly, will Absidian’s Xbox exclusive be the same as Skyrim’s? Game details are leaked

The entire gamer community is eager to know the full details of what is taking shape within the digital forges of development studios acquired by Microsoft in recent years. In many cases, we could not help but think of Absidian Entertainment as working on a role-playing game. Agreed.

Set in the same description of the eternal pillars of the universe and featured in the first person view, Avot is still a mystery, only showed itself A trailer on computer graphics. They are coming from Windows Central to rescue us, claiming that they are in contact with some sources very close to the locals.

As they ask, Aww is currently in advanced pre-production statusThe developers will be very close to completing the initial and working version of the game, equipped with the main dynamics and foundations of the game. There will be the same graphic engine of The Outer Worlds that has been sufficiently updated and upgraded with the latest technological achievements to move the game. Instead the game will be based First person battle with two hand system derived from Skyrim. Missing even the most important ones Research Mechanics, A Tell a strong story e Organization of playable classes.

Just like Skyrim Agreed Providing Complete independence in two-handed system management: For example, you can play stealth, or use a combination of weapons and spells, or use two bombs to equip two spells at once. Compared to the Elder Scrolls, however, The combat system should be more load based: Warriors have access to a large number of physical attacks (sword cuts, powerful kicks and shields), while maggots have a long list of spells. In addition, they will be included in Avo Familiar elements to the pillars of eternal fans, Like Zolding Touch Magic, lightning strikes enemies, or Fed Cares level, eroding enemies.

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We cannot guarantee the authenticity of the leaked information, but the evidence is undoubtedly authoritative. Sure, remember, no release date yet.