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The helmet is broken but saves his life as the stones are thrown at Cricnetta

The helmet is broken but saves his life as the stones are thrown at Cricnetta

2021 October 2021 Friday afternoon 19th Lariana Alpine Rescue Representatives Intervention for Lecco Station.

Speech for XIX Lariana delegates on Friday afternoon October 1, 2021 Alpine recovery, Lecco Station. At 2.15pm technicians were alerted by Soreu dei Laghi to rescue two young climbers from Milan and Nowad Milanese from 1999 and 1997 respectively. They were going back to the normal state of Angelina Spire. When one of them hit him with a barrage of stones. The young man was wearing a helmet, which protected him from severe trauma.

The helmet is broken but saves his life as the stones are thrown at Cricnetta

However, the boy went two meters away and crashed into the wall. Even a rope was cut under him during the evacuation, causing difficulties. The comrade, who was parked at the top of the hill, raised the alarm.

The helmet is broken but saves his life as the stones are thrown at Cricnetta

Station Bergamo Helicopter Lake – Regional Emergency Agency sent for rescue but it was foggy. The vehicle returned to the center of the Beyoncற்றி, loaded three technicians, boarded the Beyonc எடுத்து, and drove a hundred meters under the Comineto Bagani. The other two teams started with instructions from Pion.


The first rescuers walked for about forty minutes and reached the bottom of the wall, then reached the top of the crowd and arranged to continue the rescue operations. The two climbers went safely into the valley and the injured party went to the Leco emergency department for checks.