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Strong winds were blowing in space, which scientists want to understand

Strong winds were blowing in space, which scientists want to understand

It is called the Great Red Spot and is a large anticyclonic storm (forty thousand kilometers in diameter) located at the equator of Jupiter. This event lasted for at least 300 years and you can even see it from the balcony of your house with a decent amateur telescope.

Now a new analysis of the gas giant’s surface has found that the air at its edges is at an indescribable speed. Using data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope from 2009 to 2020, the researchers measured an 8% increase in wind speed.


Rainer Japka / IMGetty Images

“When I first saw the results, I was like, ‘Does that make sense?’ Michael Wong, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, has never seen this before.

“But this is something only Hubble can do. Hubble’s longevity and consistent observations make this revelation possible.”

The inability to see below the clouds makes it difficult for us to make an accurate diagnosis. However, we know from previous research that the size of the Great Red Spot is declining over time, which is another mystery to be solved.

Until we send in more intimate studies and detailed studies of that world, we will have many unanswered questions.

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