A new telescope system enables higher resolution image recording Mouth Always with radar technology.
This achievement took many years of work, and the results are astonishingly detailed. The focus is on Tycho groove, One of the most significant impacts on the moon. And even though it is taken from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the photo gives the impression of flying on the surface of the only natural satellite on Earth.
The resulting image has a resolution of five to five meters and is approximately 1.4 billion pixels. Together they cover the entire width of the Tyco Greater, which is 86 kilometers (53 miles) in diameter and so on.
From the point of view of this bird, every fold on the turbulent lunar surface stands out in detail.
Rotherbuild des Tyco-Greaters. (NRAO / GBO / Raytheon / NSF / AUI)
The National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope (GPT) is located in West Virginia and is the largest complete stereo radio telescope in the world. This allows astronomers to point their pearl eye in any direction.
Earlier this year, the satellite was fitted with a new radar transmitter that developed radion intelligence and space.
As each of these signals jumps off the lunar surface, the National Radio Astronomical Observatory (NRAO) picks them up. The base row is too longIt is also headquartered in West Virginia.
An image can be created by comparing and analyzing stored legumes. To explain GPO Engineer Galen Watts.
In January, researchers did Test the system Take a radar image of the Apollo 15 landing site to demonstrate that it can take high-resolution images of the Earth.
Radar image of the Apollo 15 landing site.
Months later they were able to get a high-resolution picture of the Tyco abyss.
“The transmitter, the target and the receiver are all constantly moving as we go into space.” To explain What.
“Even if you think it’s hard to create an image, it really does create more meaningful data.”
Because each return radar pulse contains information from a slightly different direction, astronomers can obtain higher angles from standard observation.
This means that scientists can accurately calculate the distance to a target and the speed of that target.
“This radar data is not recorded at this distance or accuracy.” To say What.
“This was previously done at a distance of a few hundred kilometers, but not at hundreds of thousands of kilometers from this project, and not at a high resolution of a meter or more at that distance.”
10 years ago, Watts says, it would have taken several months to get an image of a single radar signal. It would have taken more than a year.
Astronomers hope new technologies will help us explore parts of the solar system we have never seen before from the comfort of our own planet.
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