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Green Boss, what are the applications and websites to download it?  How do I get it without the link?  Questions

Green Boss, what are the applications and websites to download it? How do I get it without the link? Questions

The Govt Green Certificate was renamed the “Super Green Pass” because of the extension of duty to all workers, which was approved by the Council of Ministers on September 16 and issued by a new mandate signed by President Matterella on September 21. Now this order has been published in the Official Gazette.

Mandatory green pass for government and private employees. Text in the Official Gazette

How do I get the Green Pass? – You can choose between digital channels and physics channels. Certificate availability is notified as a code to be downloaded by email or SMS (for contacts indicated at the health service stage: vaccine, test or recovery).

What are the applications to download Green Pass? – You can get a pass through Immuni, and you can download your health card number and expiration date and certificate (AUTHCODE) by email or SMS to the contact at the health service. Phase. With App IO, users who sign in with their Digital Identity (SPID / CIE) can view their certificate directly from the message by notification on their mobile device.

What are the websites to download Green Pass? – The dedicated government website ( is active, from where digital identity (SPID / CIE) can be used to obtain a pass. Alternatively, you can enter your health card number and expiration date (or ID document for those not registered with SSN) and the code (AUTHCODE) received via email or SMS for contacts made during the health service. . Another way is to access your regional electronic health record.

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How can I get a green pass if I do not use the internet? – If you have difficulty accessing the certificate through digital tools, you can contact your general practitioner, your preferred pediatrician or pharmacist, who will be able to retrieve the certificate thanks to the health card system. Bring the tax code and the health card data you need to show them. Covit-19 green certificate will be issued in paper or digital format.

How does Green Boss work in schools and universities? – The Green Pass obligation for schools and universities is in effect until December 31st. Anyone who has access to all the facilities of schools, educational and training institutions must be qualified. This rule does not apply to children, students and pupils. The duty applies not only to school staff, but also to anyone entering the organization, including parents.

When will the Green Pass be mandatory for all workers? From October 15 to December 31, when the state of emergency expires, green certification will be mandatory in all workplaces and will directly affect the lives of 23 million Italians, of whom 14 million and 700 thousand work in the private sector. Duty applies to all workers: private individuals; Public administration staff; Employees of Independent Authorities, Concepcion, Coimbatore, Bank of Italy, Economic Public Organizations and Constitutional Organizations. This restriction also applies to holders of selected offices or senior corporate positions. Duty is extended to subjects, including outsiders, who carry out their work or training activities in public administrations for any reason.

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Who checks and what are the penalties? – The employer is responsible for arranging checks with a fine of 400 to 1,000 euros by October 15. Employees who violate the pass duty at the workplace will be fined between 600 and 1,500.

Text [PDF] Published in the official journal on September 21st
