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Microsoft 365 and Security: New Minimum Requirements for Outlook

Microsoft 365 and Security: New Minimum Requirements for Outlook

Microsoft will soon stop integrating Outlook 2010 and earlier versions with Microsoft 365 Exchange servers. Until November, only newer versions will be able to connect to the Microsoft 365 Exchange server in the cloud.

Comes from a statement Kashi’s Blog Emerged. The report is relevant Announcement in the Microsoft Tech Community. It says that after November 1, 2021 Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1 (with latest fixes) and later versions can integrate with Microsoft 365 services. This is due to security concerns. So Microsoft is changing the requirements.

Often not new when the company updates their software. Accordingly, many of these new requirements are going unprepared, and Microsoft is aware of that as well. Nevertheless, according to the Tech Community, you must now act for security reasons. Older Outlook versions, such as Outlook 2007 and 2010, are no longer compatible with upcoming service changes provided by Microsoft. Microsoft reports:

  • Support for basic authentication ends to enhance the security of Microsoft 365.
  • Microsoft is working to add support for HTTP / 2 in Microsoft 365. HTTP / 2 is a full-double protocol that minimizes delays by captioning and multiplexing.
  • Microsoft advises new customers that it is more secure, has many new features and can cause 75 percent less crashes.

Supports Microsoft Switch

The most important reason to switch to the new version is to protect against vulnerabilities. However, Microsoft only supports newer versions with security fixes to protect devices from known security holes. Outlook 2007, 2010, and Office 2013 editions were excluded shortly before version 15.0.4971.1000, but Microsoft acknowledges that some customers will not be able to drop them. The team will now identify such customers and actively approach them to help them switch to the new version.

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Logo, Office, Email, Office 365, Mail, Outlook, Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365, Microsoft for Business 365, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Mail, Microsoft Mail, Outlook Mobile
Logo, Office, Email, Office 365, Mail, Outlook, Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365, Microsoft for Business 365, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Mail, Microsoft Mail, Outlook Mobile