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The redesigned version violates its own GPL license -

The redesigned version violates its own GPL license –

Redesigned version EarthquakeLaunched yesterday by Bethesda on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. Will be violated His GPL license, Has been mentioned by many members of the gaming community for decades.

In 1999, John Carmeg, President of IT Software, published the source code for the Seismic and Seismic II machine as GPL (General Public License). GPL License Any software derived from the original software must be released under the same license.

You can find it here Earthquake source code. Here is specifically License text.

The source code for the redesigned version of the earthquake, which appears to have been derived from the original earthquake, however, sets a precedent. Some feel that this is a real betrayal of the community that has been behind the game for more than twenty years, enriching and refining it.

Some believe that the release of Bethesda will soon rectify the situation Source code. The worst case scenario is that the Free Software Foundation takes Bethesda to court.

In fact, there are those who assure that the GPL license includes a single version of the software and that there may be no infringement, subject to subsequent modification of the Agreement. Let’s see how the situation develops, if Bethesda says something about it.

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