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Health Boss: How to get it if you do not have internet access?  : Current Female MAG

Health Boss: How to get it if you do not have internet access? : Current Female MAG

To have a social life, you must now show your white foot … or your health passport. To combat the spread of Govt-19, a health pass has been made mandatory in cultural and entertainment venues since July 21. From August 9, this duty will be extended to restaurants, bars, shopping centers and transportation. To get this precious sesame, download it in the app Dose anticoagulant, If you have been vaccinated, or on the SI-DEP portal, you have a negative PCR or antigen test or recovery certificate. However, if you do not have a computer or internet connection, the steps to obtain a health pass can be a little more complicated and lengthy.

If you have been vaccinated

The Health Insurance website states that those who have not mastered or do not have access to digital devices may request their certification from a vaccinating professional or, in case of failure, a healthcare professional (physician, pharmacist, nurse). Or midwife). These people can download it and join one of the 1,300 intervals France Services.

If you have ever had Govt

To pass your recovery certificate and / or your health, all you have to do is go to any pharmacy with your positive screening test for less than six months and more than eleven days.

If you have a negative screening test

During a negative PCR or antigen test, all you have to do is get a paper certificate from the specialist who tested you.

Health insurance recommends that those who have paper health fold it into four. Security measures to ensure the confidentiality of your health data.

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Also read:

Health European Health Pass is available, how to download and use it?

Pass Health Pass: When will it be mandatory?

Pass Healthy Pass: The trick to getting it faster