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Fortnight, a mysterious countdown appeared: what it was

Fortnight, a mysterious countdown appeared: what it was

Several players noticed the appearance of a countdown into Fort Knight. Here is what it is

The new countdown has come out on Fortnight. You can see the reference to this (Twitter screenshot) here

A real Countdown. Players this morning Fortnight Although it was not yet known what they were, they awoke with a pleasant surprise. A lot Reports on Twitter and Reddit, Users are wondering what the countdown is all about.

We already talked about the start date of the dedicated event Haryana Grande Concert. Could there be one more clue about this? Or it could be another unique and utterly amazing event. That’s for sure Epic game He never misses an opportunity, he will Surprise everyone again.

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Fortnight, what can the countdown mean

It was well known Leak Shiyana Post the first picture of the Countdown on Twitter. As you can see from the picture, they are missing Expires 10 days To the countdown and then to the new event. But what does it have to do with it? Many users firmly believe that this is the case Live concert by Haryana Grande, Something unexpected may happen to others Coral Fort. As the map is revolutionized again, there is even talk of total destruction.

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Between assumptions and possible confirmations, the only thing to do is wait for it Epic game Post some additional information. Or those new clues are forming within Fortnight. Or again, datamines and leakers can Steal other clues Game Within the files.