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Amazon is forcing Apple to remove an app from its App Store

After Amazon complained to Apple, the company founded by Jeff Bezos finally removed the FoxPot app, which aims to evaluate the authenticity of reviews published on e-commerce sites.

Foxpot would not have created weight against the giant Amazon. On Friday, July 16, Coffam withdrew its application from the Apple App Store. The head of e-commerce had recently lodged a complaint against the software on the pretext of providing false information to consumers.

Fake reviews, Amazon’s fan

Designed as an application and web browser extension, Polispot is intendedIdentify the remaining fake reviews on Amazon. A big issue on the platform, many brands recently made the decision to ban Paid customers who provide positive reviews. However, the use of third-party software to detect fraudulent ideas does not appear to appeal to GAFAM.

Amazon finally explained the application to Apple on June 8, after using the update, allowing the app to exaggerate its source code in GAFAM without official authorization. This detail precisely allowed Amazon to win with Apple: 5.2.2 Under the Order, developers are not allowed to use third-party content in an application without prior authorization. According to an Amazon spokesperson, this type “Overlay” Likely “Create potential security risks”. In addition, Foxpot will provide customers “Misinformation about our vendors and their products”.

Still on Google Play, Foxpot is no longer found on iOS. For his part, CEO of the app Soud Kalida denied Amazon’s allegations, explaining that although Foxpot collects some user data, the company does not resell it.

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