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Rumor: Windows 11 should bring widget support to third-party providers

Rumor: Windows 11 should bring widget support to third-party providers

A few days after that Windows 11-built It turns out, additional information about the new OS is also tricky. Now there are signs that third-party providers of widgets with Windows 11 will be allowed.

Not only with Windows 11 display fixes – we were already able to show plenty. There are many changes under the hood, a lot more are in the planning stage, but already in preparation. As stated in it Online-Magazine Neo Return a feature: widgets option (hidden between file explorer and task view). It must be configured in Windows 11 in the same way as it was in the Windows 7 standard. In the Windows 11 leaked framework, widgets are still minimal, but it shouldn’t be that long. Prohibited material is initially limited to those who already exist Windows 10 Available news and interests may be available as widgets. This information comes from various sources.

This is what the now well-known leak Walking Gate reported on Twitter. Accordingly, Windows 11 only launches with widgets directly from Microsoft. However, others previously unknown may be added. It is already planned that the Windows panel will then add support for third-party widgets, Walkinggate writes. It is not clear exactly where this information came from – in the past, the Walking Gate has received details of planned innovations through good contacts and reliable sources.

No reference to widget APIs

Windows Tinker Rafael Rivera also confirms that no APIs for third-party widgets were found in the leaked framework. It pointed out that the first Windows 11 update would not be sent with support for third-party widgets. However, Rivera has no information about planning widgets. Microsoft is expected to launch the new Windows 11 at an event announced on June 24.

Microsoft, Windows 11, Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 11 Logo
Microsoft, Windows 11, Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 11 Logo