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Android 12: Beta version available for download

Android 12: Beta version available for download

As expected, the first beta of Android 12 was released on Google I / O 2021 last night and then released for installation. Android 12 is bringing the biggest design change to devices in recent years.

Google integrates new design language into Android 12. Material Design After the advent of “Material U”, it was possible to create the design of a phone. Surface can adapt to the display and wallpapers of Google applications, and in the future to smart displays and co.

Android 12: What does the smartphone OS bring with it?

The “Material U” will not appear on Google Pixel 6 at first, there are new functions for privacy, and devices will be better able to connect to each other in the future. Thanks to UWB, this is possible without any problems in the future.

Finally, Google was able to set up its own one-handed functionality for Android, and Android 12 will have optimal resource management for applications, CPU and memory.

If you want to try Android 12 Beta 1, Here You can sign up for the beta and download version.

Contribution “Google: Android 12 Beta 1 is available“Originally appeared on and provided further information by CHIP editors.

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