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Download 2021 State Examination and Control Activities, Candidate's Sub-Witness or Self-Certificate Form for Other Person Admitted in the Examination

Download 2021 State Examination and Control Activities, Candidate’s Sub-Witness or Self-Certificate Form for Other Person Admitted in the Examination


The health emergency linked to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has caused Italian schools to take significant control measures to suspend educational institutions, even as a precautionary measure, albeit a temporary one. Many will remember the famous Prime Minister’s Order of March 04, 2020. “Further implementation of the provisions of the 23 February 2020 Ordinance, n. 6, covers emergency measures related to the control and management of epidemiological emergencies from COVID-19, which apply nationwide. (20A01475) “, discontinued educational services for children and artificial activities in schools at all levels, further school activities and attendance at higher education […], Introduces what would have been a distance learning process.

Body distance yesterday and today

The urgency of this decision lies in the need to support immediate physical distance between individuals (and students, ADA staff, DS and school teachers, Italians) as an important policy to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Considering the proximity of study activities in school and the qualities of mobilization.

The Prime Minister’s decree also took into account the generally considered and analyzed impact on the possibility of travel and of course the movement of the Italian people in carrying out school activities.

In this school year 020-2021, we have read the same recommendations, sometimes very harsh, even better.

State selection and safety regulations

In order to guarantee the passage of the first and second degree state exams involving millions of people, MIUR has again produced a technical document in one form this year. The protocol, with the aim of giving information policies and functional indications to oversee the health and safety of the two students involved, is already the occasion for the completion of this week (high, next) and school staff (teaching and non-teaching) state exams.

Although the Ministry of Education has provided immediate response to technical and health requests that may be made by school managers during school examinations, and, most importantly, during oral examination examinations, there are very serious indications that some school managers intend to adapt to the needs of the school in which they operate. And for greater safety of students and staff. Terms approved by the same schools.

It is convenient to point out that the selection should be made in advance based on the progress of epidemiological dynamics (without reference to the ISS data), as well as any reference from the Italian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization To take into account.

Student collaboration

It is also important to highlight the need for the intense cooperation of students and families, even after collective and personal safety measures have been put in place at the school (each school), to continue to put into practice the behaviors they think. As part of a responsibility for the fight against the spread of the disease, the probability of infection from SARS CoV-2, even at such a time when the index number is very low and many Italians have received a second dose of vaccine (including thousands of students) indicates a risk, however, to the people of our country.


Among these responsible acts, the candidate’s sub-witness or another person admitted in the examination may issue a specific self-declaration as a preventive measure against SARS CoV 2 infection, including surname, first name, place of birth, date of birth, identification document, e.g. Student, teacher, non-teaching staff, etc.). Self-certification must be marked at one’s own risk (if of age) or under parental responsibility prior to access to the school and should not present respiratory symptoms or fever greater than 37.5 than C for the previous three days; You have not been isolated or home isolated for the past 14 days; For the past 14 days, as far as they know, they have not interacted with positive people. Sign the self-certificate and attach it with the correct identification document.